I'm a Terrible Children's Librarian

Bridge to Terabilitha movie poster
This book represents a professional failing but also the awesomeness of old-timey lamps
Bad Children's Librarian Confession Time: This is not something I tell everyone. In fact, I`ve never uttered these words aloud. Once, I whispered them to my teddy bear in the night and then promptly buried him in the backyard because he was a snitch.

(This is a lie. I could never hurt Theodore).

I've never read Bridge to Terabithia.


Never. I skipped out on Katherine Paterson`s classic about running and friendship and rural poverty and imagination and loss when I was a kid. I faintly remember a few adults placing it in my hand  but it had one of those stickers on it. The stickers that my 11 year old self was convinced were warning that adults put on super boring books which probably ended with a dead dog.

So I've decided to fix this personal and professional embarrassment in the only way I know how: Eating cake and reading tons of books. Probably at the same time.

This blog will chronicle my journey through classic children's literature. My tentative list is on Goodreads: 100 Books for my Eleven Year Old Self.

For each book, we will see who was right: Professional adult or finicky 11 year old.

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